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With These HandsDavidson College has selected renowned artist Hank Willis Thomas to create the sculpture “With These Hands — A Memorial to the Enslaved and Exploited.” He will work with the architectural firm Perkins&Will. The bronze sculpture—two large, work-worn hands—will rest prominently on the lawn near the original Oak and Elm buildings and be visible from Main Street.

The monument comes as the college examines a history of slavery and discrimination shared by many institutions across the United States. In 2020, then-President Carol Quillen publicly apologized for the college’s past actions. Davidson’s Commission on Race and Slavery, whose research preceded the apology, issued recommendations that include a memorial.

Your gift supports Davidson College as we aim to understand our history, honor the past and embrace the promise of the future.

If you would like to connect with a staff member about making a multi-year pledge, please contact Jeff Prince, director of major gifts, at

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